Since the launch of the 600W+ series, world leading design institutes and well-known third-party organizations have evaluated and studied the LCOE advantage and value of Vertex modules. Recently, Fraunhofer ISE, the world leading solar research institution, has completed the assessment of CAPEX and LCOE of new generation of ultra-high power modules 210mm (G12) from Trina Solar and 182mm (M10) series from other manufacturers.</p>
<strong>CHANGZHOU, China, Sep 7th, 2021 </strong>-- TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (SHA:688599), has released a white paper entitled "TrinaTracker Spherical Bearing: Unique Three-Dimensional Patented Component”. The document highlights the advantages of the spherical bearing’s unique geometric design through rigorous testing and long-term outdoor reliability.</p>
<strong>CHANGZHOU, China, Sept. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/</strong> -- Trina Solar has published a <a href="/us/http://www.cztdlgd.com/sites/default/files/White_Paper_on_Inverter_M... paper</a> on inverter matching for its Vertex series PV modules. This document represents the first intelligent inverters matching database in the global photovoltaic industry.<br />
On September 2, Trina Solar, a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, together with <a href="/us/http://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/en.html" target="_blank">Fraunhofer ISE</a>, the largest solar research institute in Europe, conducted an online webinar on the theme "The Importance of Product Reliability and System Value of a 600W+ Module in Achieving the Lowest LCOE". Professionals from more than 73 countries and regions participated in the virtual conference.</p>